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Installing Rime Input Keyboard

Now let's introduce how to install the Rime input keyboard.

It is highly recommended to follow along with the video(Chinese Only):

Installing Rime on macOS

As mentioned before, the Rime framework input keyboard on macOS can use Squirrel.

Squirrel Version

Installing Squirrel

On macOS, install Squirrel to use Bopomofo or other input method configurations later. Go to the Squirrel repository and download Squirrel:

Download Squirrel

Then decompress and open it. You may get an error saying it can't be opened: Failed to open

This is because Squirrel is not certified by Apple, so verification will fail. Don't worry, just go to System Preferences, select Open Anyway: Open Anyway

Finally the install screen will appear. Follow the prompts to install.

Install Squirrel

Note that after installing, you need to restart macOS or relogin to take effect.

Activating Squirrel

Now reenter the system. Squirrel can already be used. Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Text and add Squirrel. Activate Squirrel

The Squirrel icon in the menu bar means Rime is installed successfully. You can now move on to importing and activating Bopomofo in the next section.

Fcitx5 Version

Indeed, Fcitx5, originally only available on Linux, can now be used on macOS as well:

Installing Fcitx5

The installation process is straightforward. Download the Rime version of Fcitx5 macOS from the official website, unzip it, and you will get the installer package:

Download and unzip to get the installer package

At this point, similar to Squirrel, double-clicking may not open it: Double-clicking does not open

Like Squirrel, the signature of Fcitx5 is not certified by Apple (this is an open-source project, and Apple's certification requires a fee), so we need to open the system settings and choose to open it anyway:

Choose to open Fcitx5 anyway

Then, we can see the Fcitx5 installation interface, follow the prompts to install:

Fcitx5 installation interface

Finally, after successful installation, the input method is automatically added to the system:

Fcitx5 installation complete

Activating Fcitx5

After installation, we need to activate Fcitx5. Open system settings -> Text input -> Edit and add Fcitx5:

Add Fcitx5 input method

The effect after adding:

Adding Fcitx5 input method complete

At this point, the status bar can be switched to the little penguin:

Status bar switched to little penguin Fcitx5

Rime has been successfully installed, and you can proceed to the next section to import and activate Mint Pinyin.

Installing Rime on Windows

To install Rime on Windows, use the Weasel input keyboard.

Installing Weasel

On Windows, install Weasel to use Mint Pinyin or other configurations later. Go to the Weasel repository and download the Weasel installer:

Download Weasel

Then decompress and open it. Follow the prompts to install.

Note the configuration file path here, as this is where we will import Bopomofo later. Users can choose their preferred document folder.

Set default config path for Weasel

Activating Weasel

To activate Weasel on Windows, just add it as an input keyboard:

Add new input method

Added result

Now Rime is ready on Windows.

Installing Rime on Linux

There are many ways to install Rime on Linux, mainly:

  • Rime input keyboard based on ibus framework
  • Rime input keyboard based on fcitx5 framework

Before installing, it is recommended to update the librime dependencies. The librime version in apt for Debian 11 and 12 is too low. Upgrading is recommended, otherwise Lua scripts may not work.

Since Linux environments differ, required configurations also differ. Here we demonstrate installation on Kali Linux (based on Debian 11, using Gnome desktop) as an example.

ibus Version

The ibus version is easy:

sudo apt install ibus-rime

Then restart or logout/login the current user session and add ibus in the system.

If you encounter issues with using the Oh-my-rime's configuration, you can reinstall ibus using the Appimage method.

fcitx5 Version

The fcitx5 version is slightly more complex (ibus is still more common):

sudo apt install fcitx5 fcitx5-chinese-addons librime-plugin-lua


  • fcitx5: Input method framework core package
  • fcitx5-chinese-addons: Chinese language extension package, provides Chinese input engines

Installing only fcitx5 can work, but doesn't allow Chinese input. To use fcitx5 for Chinese, also need the fcitx5-chinese-addons extension. These two packages need to be installed together for full Chinese input support in Debian.

Then install the fcitx5 Rime input keyboard:

sudo apt install fcitx5-rime

"librime-plugin-lua might also be librime-lua. However, if your librime version is relatively low, you may not be able to use all the features of the Mint configuration, or you may not be able to use the Oh-my-rime's configuration at all. Refer to: Linux Mint configuration not working?

At this point, you need to compile and install librime and Fcitx5; or you can use a third-party software store, such as: Flatpak"

Install Fcitx5

Finally, set the fcitx5 environment by adding:

# GTK based programs use fcitx5 input method engine
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx5
# Qt based programs use fcitx5 input method engine
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx5
# X system level input method, set to fcitx5 for all X programs 
export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx5

Restart or log out of the system:

Log out of the system

Open fcitx5:

Open Fcitx5

Find the Fcitx5 options in the status bar and open them:

Open Fcitx5 configuration

Select Rime input method to activate:

Add Rime in Fcitx5

The selected text translates to:

fcitx5 Version (Flatpak)

If your Linux distribution supports Flatpak, you can use Flatpak to install Fcitx5. In fact, almost all Linux distributions support Flatpak, but some distributions do not have Flatpak installed by default. You can check the official documentation to install Flatpak.

For example: on Debian 11, install Flatpak:

# Install Flatpak
sudo apt install flatpak
# The system uses the Gnome desktop environment, install the Gnome-Software Flatpak plugin
sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak

Installing flatpak on Debian

The Flatpak version of fcitx5-rime is personally maintained by the author of Fcitx5, and fcitx5-rime includes the librime-lua dependency, which can avoid some dependency issues.

# If flatpak is slow, you can use the source:
# Install Fcitx5
flatpak install flathub org.fcitx.Fcitx5
# Install Fcitx5 Rime plugin
flatpak install flathub org.fcitx.Fcitx5.Addon.Rime

Installing Fcitx5 with flatpak

At the same time, the configuration file for Fcitx5 installed with flathub is located at ~/.var/app/org.fcitx.Fcitx5/data/fcitx5.

iOS installation rime

On iOS, we recommend using:

It is very user-friendly ( ◔ ڼ ◔ )

Android installation rime

On Android, it is recommended to use:

Fcitx Android

Fcitx For Android, It is distributed on multiple commercial platforms. Here, we'll take the official version on GitHub Release as an example

Download the application (app) and the Rime plugin (plugin.rime) for the corresponding architecture from GitHub releases, and install them.

Select the ontology and plug-ins


In principle, current smartphones should choose the arm64-v8a architecture version. For virtual machines, choose the x86_64 or x86 architectures. For some older smartphones, choose the armeabi-v7a architecture.

Taking version 0.0.8 as an example, there is only one "Little Penguin Input Method 5" icon on the desktop, which comes with Pinyin input method, which is good to use; however, you need to install a plug-in before you can choose Rime's input method:

Android installation Fcitx little penguin

The configuration of the Little Penguin input method is also a bit special. In the next chapter, we will explain it.